AmbrÖse Bierce: Is Mike De Jong Just Taking Credit For John Van Dongen’s Work?

By April 1, 2013Ambrose Bierce

By AmbrÖse Bierce. On May 24, 2012 John van Dongen, independent MLA for Abbotsford South, wrote a letter to Shirley Bond, then the Minister of Justice and Attorney General for the Province of BC, asking her to begin a process that would lead to the replacement of the Abbotsford Courthouse.

In the letter, Van Dongen said, “The residents of Abbotsford and Mission have been told repeatedly that the Abbotsford Courthouse Project is near the top of the list of priorities for capital replacement in the ministry.

He details the attempts he and others had been making for years to resolve the issue including a December 2008 document from the City of Abbotsford requesting a feasibility study.

He argues that the facility is sorely needed and that the absence of a new courthouse was causing significant functional problems.

On May 26, 2012, John Van Dongen resigned from the Liberal Party.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) Shirley Bond will be joining Abbotsford West MLA and Liberal Finance Minister Mike deJong before the cameras to take credit for what is expected to be an announcement about a new courthouse of Abbotsford.

Is Mike de Jong taking credit for something John van Dongen set in motion?

Is this just another opportunity for Mike De Jong to spend taxpayer funds to try to get re-elected?

How effective will Mike De Jong be in opposition?

For a copy of John Van Dongen’s letter
click here.

AmbrÖse Bierce


AmbrÖse Bierce is Today’s writer in residence who occasionally gives voice to the concerns of individual citizens and taxpayers who, for a variety of reasons, are unable or unwilling to take a public stand on issues of relevance to the rest of the community. Reasons may include possible loss of job, injury to their business, or any number of quite legitimate reasons to keep their mouths shut.

While all columns and letters on Today are signed by their authors, we have decided to provide this venue for those with legitimate opinions, based on fact, with something to contribute to the public debate in the city. This is not a place for wild venting or personal attacks. AmbrÖse requires you identify yourself to him and explain why you need to keep your identity secure.

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