APD Road Safety Message

By November 21, 2013Abbotsford News

Submitted. On Wednesday the Abbotsford Police Department released another Road Safety message aimed at educating the community and eliciting discussion on this very important topic. Distracted Driving and Impaired Driving create huge numbers of casualties on our roads. They represent two of the top three leading causes of fatal and injury crashes. Those injuries and deaths impact individuals, families and the community as a whole. The APD has increased enforcement and education in 2013 in recognition of the department’s top priority, Road Safety, but with this poster we are hoping to also change some perceptions as well.

Socially, there is little tolerance for impaired driving. Individuals obviously still engage in this incredibly dangerous behaviour but very few people support the activity or make light of those who do. Strangely, distracted driving has not yet achieved the same level of social disapproval despite creating the same outcomes, from preventable collisions to lost lives. Both Distracted Driving and Impaired Driving detract from the complex, primary task of driving. The emphasis is placed on distraction and drunkenness, respectively, which only creates tragedies on the roads.

The Abbotsford Police Department hopes you carefully consider the common dangers created by Distracted Driving and Impaired Driving and choose to Stay Alert, Slow Down and Think Safe.
apd poster

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