Once Upon A Time …

By November 18, 2013Goddess Movement - Aryn Savard

By Aryn Savard. Once upon a time in a land far, far away, Mary and Sally were friends. Mary was grumpy to Sally one morning and came off rather rude. Sally was offended. Sally spent the rest of the day daydreaming of strolling with her basket of flowers when out of the blue Mary burst forth out of the woods, nostrils flared, eyes ablaze, and spittle flying from her mouth as she bellowed such nasty comments about Sally! Mary flew off like smoke and Sally was left conjuring thoughts of how Mary was blazing through their town speaking horrible things of her. Sally continued to muse….”Mary must be so angry at me, I’ll bet she is telling everyone in town how awful I am and I can’t even begin to see how we can be friends again.”

We as women are amazing story tellers and we tell these stories to ourselves so vividly that they become our truth but not the truth.

Left to our own devices, we (women) will paint amazing characters in our story based on events in our life. We will tell the story that “So-and-So” did this to me, so she MUST be thinking this and is probably doing this and by doing that she means this!”

We may tell our close friends this story and they may buy in helping to shape the story even further. The story begins to spiral out of control in our heads and before we know it, the character in the story hardly resembles anything about the real life individual. We do it to our friends, families, and spouses.

Many relationships have been ruined by such stories and the stories are only good for one thing……..exercising imagination. In the past 6 months of my life I have realized countless times that communication with the other “character” in the story is the only way to curb such fictional creations. There have been times I have spun tales about a person in a given situation, only to approach them much later to realize the “problem” I had brooded about was not a problem for them and they were wondering why I stopped calling.

In this time of electronic typing, texting, and tweeting, we need to remember that the one and only way to connect with people on a personal level is voice to voice, face to face.

Ladies, don’t waste your energy telling tall tales to yourself when they involve someone you love. Just take the time to call, have coffee, or wine and chocolate and talk.

Live a story together, in reality, and create a new path in your journey. Don’t let your imagination ruin your relationships, they are precious and at the end of the day are all that really matters. Save the fairy tales for your kids!


Photo by Jason Brown

Aryn Savard and The Goddess Movement

Photo by Jason Brown

The Goddess Movement – alternative fitness studio

“Dedicated to changing women’s lives!”

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Aryn Savard is the owner/operator of The Goddess Movement. Photo by Jason Brown


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