People Need Options For Harm Reduction

By April 21, 2013Letters

Dear Editor. Re: 85 % Oppose Simon Gibson’s Deadly Approach To Addiction

People need to have options that they feel comfortable with and to trust their options for Harm Reduction to be effective and in order to be equal for all people. People who want to get off drugs have enough to deal with and the current system isn’t working. There are religious organizations doing a lot to help people, but there needs to be other options based on health care that are neutral to any denomination or no denomination to be fair to all.

It is past time to look at changing the current system that has not been effective and put the priority back onto health care!

In the end, I believe similar to studies that housing the homeless have shown, it will likely cost less for policing, but more important will save lives.

Wendy Bales
FVRD Director
Area C

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