Some Simple Questions For Abbotsford Taxpayers

By Walter Neufeld. Re: Why Banman’s Arm’s Length EDC Is A Bad Idea

Some simple questions for City of Abbotsford taxpayers

1. How does a city hide its bad fiscal decisions from public scrutiny?

2. What qualifies politicians (and their colluders with a proven track record for making bad fiscal decisions that have cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars) for making yet bigger fiscal decisions with taxpayers funds, but in secret?

3. How does it camouflage illegalities that may result from risking public tax money in “the market”?

4. How does a city fog the potential for influence peddling and bribery-by-other-means while forcing the taxpayers to foot the resultant bill?

5. How does it protect the politicians, and all who colluded with them, from full liability for those bad fiscal decisions?

6. How does it ensure that everyone walks away from those bad fiscal decisions with bruises while it’s hostage taxpayers get saddled with the resultant liability’s full burden?

7. What is democracy?

Yeah, the gaming is now threatening to get much worse.

Background: Rewarding Failure – Banman’s Economic Action Plan

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