Until And Unless We Can Figure Out How To Help Our Homeless Population Within The Parameters Of Social Justice We Must Stop The Endless Persecution Of A Group People We…
The Chicken Manure Incident documentary on Abbotsford’s homeless crisis by BC filmmaker Kevin Miller is now available on Amazon. The film by BC independant film producer Kevin Miller titled ‘The…
Right between Andreas Pirelli, who declared his own state inside his landlords Calgary house and Paula Deen fanticized about a slavery-themed wedding – there’s Abbotsford at Number Three in MacLeans…
By James Breckenridge. A citizen of Abbotsford who had some ideas and questions about dealing with homelessness tracked me to converse. Included in the conversing was Mayor Banman’s apology to…
By Mike Archer. As we’ve pointed out before, Councillor John Smith’s handling of the Abbotsford Social Development Advisory Committee (ASDAC) is a crystal clear example of what is wrong with…
CBC Gives Homeless Scandal More National Attention By Mike Archer. As Abbotsford Today reported last Wednesday, the Abbotsford Police have been accused of slashing tents and using pepper spray on…
By James W. Breckenridge. The Good. The attention of the media to the City of Abbotsford’s use of chicken sh*t as a biological weapon against the homeless in Abbotsford got…
Dear Editor. Abbotsford and the poor: open (yes), unconscionable (yes), honest (to be determined) For all the ugliness involved, Abbortsford city government can take a cynical pride in the fact…
Dear Mayor Banman. Abbotsford has sunk to a new low! Dumping manure on the homeless camp is reprehensible. It has ceased to be a City of Character and has become…
By AmbrÖse Bierce. I hear that anyone who wants to remain employed with the city will zip it. When Abbotsford Today sent out emails to the media in BC about…