Immediately upon presenting its proposal for a Supported Housing Projected near downtown Abbotsford, Abbotsford Community Services (ACS) was attacked in a shrill, illiterate and illogical campaign by the Abbotsford Downtown…
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Immediately upon presenting its proposal for a Supported Housing Projected near downtown Abbotsford, Abbotsford Community Services (ACS) was attacked in a shrill, illiterate and illogical campaign by the Abbotsford Downtown…
Dear Mayor Banman and City Council Members. I am writing to voice my support for Rezoning Proposal R13-010. The proposed 21-unit apartment building at the end of Montvue Avenue in…
Dear Mayor and Council: Please accept this letter as my support of this initiative. I am employed in the downtown core of Abbotsford and am very familiar with the issue…