Warm Weather Reminder – Cars, Kids, Pets And Keys

Submitted. With warmer weather the Abbotsford Police Department and other emergency services experience increased numbers of calls related to pets and children left in vehicles. Although most people are very mindful of the hazards associated with the hot and unventilated conditions created inside a vehicle, we still receive the calls and therefore the warnings must continue.

In the last 48 hours the APD have encountered yet another dangerous situation: parents locking themselves out of the vehicle that their child is still in. Twice now, Abbotsford Police Department Patrol Division officers needed to break windows in order to rescue 1 and 2 ½ year old children respectively. Both children were unharmed and we are confident the parents’ actions were unintentional. Still, these were very unsafe situations that required quick action.

Please always consider the safety of your children and pets and remember to account for your keys before you close the door.

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