You Write The Caption

We think the City’s choice of ‘Abbotsford Place’ as the new name for the Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Centre (AESC) was arbitrary and wrong-headed. As usual, it was done behind closed doors with no public consultation.

We thought the public should have a chance at coming up with a new name for the place. After all, it’s the public which has bought and paid for the plays several times over. It’s the public that is going to go on paying for it for years to come.

We had a couple of thoughts:

1) George’s Place
Since it was George Peary’s Deal to have his friends and neighbours cover the Calgary Flames losses why don’t we call it ‘George’s Place.’ That way we can remember him well into the future for what he left behind.

2) John’s House
The other choice that rose to the top in the newsroom was ‘John’s House’ after councillor John Smith who would let nothing or no one get in his way to have this enormous money trap built and spared none of his friends’ and neighbours’ money in his determination to be remembered for the many vanity projects around town he has left for posterity (and for our children and grand children to pay for).

You Write The Caption
What do you think? We’d like to hear from you. Use the comments section below or send us an email at and tell us what you think we should name the White Elephant on King Road.

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