The Homeless And Recycling – A Perfect Match

From Jason Kidger. Regarding the landowner who owns the [Valley Road] property where the proposed cabins would go … wouldn’t it be beneficial to the homeless as well as the proposed composting site to have both on the same land?

The homeless people could contribute by working at the composting plant in exchange for board … only makes sense, doesn’t it?

Submitted via email.

Chad Brechin and Barry Shanz put forward a proposal months ago.

Chad Brechin and Barry Shanz put forward a proposal months ago.

Editor’s Note: Good thinking Jason. There is another proposal made by the Drug War Survivors and Chad Brechin of Integrity Design, one which was described by City staff as “very doable” to do just that using a number of unusable municipally-owned tracts of land in the railway corridor.

That proposal would involve having DWS members pay their own way by cleaning the City of recyclables and living off the streets on the unusable land. In fact the first set of prefab cabins has already been built but they are sitting idle in the City parks yard as the politicians appear completely uninterested in the idea.

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