We are distributing throughout Abbotsford next month, and invite you to come along! As you can see our publication delivers local news, community happenings, interesting ideas and fun. Your customers are reading Abbotsford|Today.
Print Solutions
Advertise in our print edition and be seen in a premium editorial and design environment. Steps up from newspaper quality, our magazine puts your best face forward to your customers. Tell us what you’d like to see, and let us put it together for you! (Please note that we don’t produce print editions regularly. Contact us to find out when we plan to print again.)
Online Solutions
We have many options for you to advertise on the Abbotsford|Today web edition. These cost efficient solutions mean you only pay when your ad is seen seen!
◦Have customers click through your ad to their website
◦Advertise only next to certain content or your favourite columnist
◦Make changes to your ad online to update specials or post new items
Contact Us:
Telephone: 866.229.3318
Email: sales@abbotsfordtoday.ca
Or send us your note directly using the form below:
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