“Sometimes I think that being a social justice lawyer means getting up everyday and pushing as hard as you can against a really big mountain. Today we moved the mountain…
“Given the amount of money, time, and hard work which goes into the decision process, Abbotsford will find it awfully difficult to ever re-gain the trust of the provincial government…
“What’s really important of what you leave behind is the legacy of how you treated others.” – Mayor Bruce Banman in a pre-recorded video message to students attending the 2nd…
German philologist, philosopher, cultural critic, poet and composer who is rumoured to have died either of syphilis or vascular dementia due to manic-depressive illness, evaluated the newspapers thus: “The rabble…
Richard Peachey’s remarks before Abbotsford Council, February 4, 2013. Def: Ultra vires is a Latin phrase meaning literally “beyond the powers”, although its standard legal translation and substitute is “beyond…
For the record, while Mayor Bruce Banman may have forgotten his now infamous quote about locking up drug addicts because they are criminals, we have this annoying habit of keeping…
UPDATED 16/01/13 – MORE COMMENTS RECEIVED – We had an interesting exchange in the comments section which, rather than shed any light on the topic at hand – the City’s…