CF-101 Voodoo Moved To South End Of Abbotsford Airport

Submitted. Abbotsford International Airport is pleased to announce the move of the historic aircraft, the CF-101 (Voodoo), to the grand entrance leading to the terminal announced Dave Holmberg, Chair of the Abbotsford Airport Authority.

Cover photo Mike Luedey

The Voodoo is now located at the front entrance to the Abbotsford Airport as part of the on-going terminal renovations and upgrades occurring at the airport.

“Abbotsford Airport has seen tremendous growth over the years, and with over 75 million reinvested back into the infrastructure at YXX since 1997, we foresee even more growth in the years to come,” said Holmberg. “We owe this success to the professional working relationships with all the stakeholders and partners involved at YXX.”

The move of the aircraft occurred on Saturday, June 14th which required a 200 ton capacity crane from Eaglewest. The project was extremely challenging as the aircraft needed to be hoisted from its previous location at the airport, elevated over a light pole and a flagpole and placed on a flat deck trailer. The trailer needed to have its width augmented by I-beams and steel plates to accommodate the wide landing gear track of the Voodoo.

Jim Reith, President of the Abbotsford Airshow Society and Brodie Templeton, a member of both the Airshow Society and the Abbotsford Flying club were RCAF aircrew members who flew the Voodoo in service in the 1970’s when it was a front line fighter interceptor as part of the NORAD system. Templeton actually flew in this actual airframe (035) a number of times.

“We are very happy to see the Voodoo in its new place of honour,” said Jim Reith. “It took over six hours to move the aircraft, but the move went flawlessly thanks to the crew and staff at the airport.”

The pictures in the below show the aircraft being fitted with dual slings to lift the airplane without damaging it and being hoisted and placed on the flat deck. Finally, it is hoisted a second time and placed on the new pad at the entranceway.

All Photos: Mike Luedey


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