By Walter Neufeld. Re: Banman Determined To Fight For Right To Discriminate Against Homeless, Mayor Banman claims, “…the city [he] won’t be dropping the controversial anti-loitering bylaws,” and yet the city is in court precisely because of the barbaric master-mindset which informed those bylaws in the first place.
Out of court, the city (principally Banman, Smith, McGregor & Barkman) cut adrift it’s weakest community members while calculating the publics sympathy would somehow safeguard them.
Abbotsford’s greater community has been appalled by the city’s demonstrated intransigence and is saddened to realize that they must now pin their hopes on the courts because Abbotsford refuses to make reasoned/just decisions.
In the end, the courts will force the city/Banman to drop the discriminatory bylaws which continue to boggle minds across Canada.