Dear Abbotsford residents. Finally some good news. Mayor Banman announced tonight that Abbotsford’s proposed tax giveaway to the YMCA has been stopped (not his depiction). YMCA has withdrawn from the review process.
Many thanks to all who got involved. You made the difference.
To Brian Kingman and the many good folks from Mr Lehman and Bradner areas, thank you.
And thanks to my favourite people, all the Sumas Mountain dwellers.
A very special thanks to Mike Archer, Vince Diamanno and Fred Thiessen!
Taxpayers have been spared the heavy burden of another unnecessary tax expenditure.
Walter Neufeld
Walter: The letter from the YMCA says only that they have withdrawn, indefinitely.
The Memorandum of Understanding is a legal, binding document. Under Fred Thiessens’ questioning Bruce Banman admitted the Y could in fact resume their push for the freebies most of our council wanted to give them.
The MOU under Financial Plan Implications, Page 2 reads, “The MOU……….will remain in effect until replaced with binding legal agreements.”
If our mayor and council have any integrity they will sit down with the YMCA executives and sign that albatross out of Abbotsford.
NO! NO! NO! to the YMCA. We are still paying dearly for Mr.Ferguson’s folly. Namely the sports arena!