As a result of an assessment of pesticide use on school grounds, three schools are on a pesticide-free trial for a year, through January 2014.
Grounds at each of McMillan Elementary, Rick Hansen Secondary and Abbotsford Middle have received a thorough weeding and cut back of black- berries along fence lines. The test period will run until January 31, 2014.
Other than cutting the grass on playing fields, the three test sites will be left alone. The goal is to gauge the growth of weeds and black- berries, and school grounds appearance. The district is also cutting back pesticide use at all other locations including totally eliminating the use of Caseron, and a 50% reduction in use of Round-Up.
The district’s Facilities department will maintain its current practice of not spraying in play areas or on fields.
Good for the Abbotsford School District. When will City Hall run a similar assessment for the lands under their control? The current provincial government has dropped the ball on the issue of cosmetic pesticide use, so it’s great to see local authorities do what they can.