From Ward Draper. Over a dozen homeless camps destroyed by the city in the last 7 days. This cant continue! We now have dozens of people without any shelter or clothing or other personal belongings.
Everything they own destroyed! This is not the solution it is degradation and violations of basic human rights. Please please help us we need sleeping bags, jackets, tents, tarps, socks and more!
Help us keep people alive and help us by telling our civic government that this is not acceptable!
From Facebook: 5 and 2 Ministries
that is just disgusting, that the city would do something like that to these marginalized people. put yourself in THEIR shoes for just a day and see what it’s like. God fearing “Christians” (IF you can call them that) pushing their beliefs on everyone one else yet again
Tim Felger Says:
Instead of complaining about the destruction of the camps, they should sleep at city hall until they get a new camp.
From Facebook
This town is a joke. It’s a stomping ground for a bunch of wanna-be Bilderberg group morons.
What a disgusting town we live in. They don’t offer any alternatives, but all of our major churches have cinema sized projection screens.