Do FVRD Politicians Really Deserve The Raise They Just Gave Themselves?

By July 25, 2014Abnor, Satire

By Abnor. Fraser Valley Regional Regional District (FVRD) member cities and electoral areas have an unemployment rate of over seven percent in the individual communities and as high as 8+ percent in Abbotsford/Mission, yet the FVRD Board of Directors voted themselves a raise as announced in a tweet on Wednesday, July 23:


FVRD Board has voted in favour of a phased increase of director remuneration for 2015 and 2016 to $11,557.

That’s quite the hefty pay cheque for FVRD Chair and Chilliwack Mayor Sharon Gaetz, who along with her city council cohorts  also received raises as reported by the Chilliwack Times on Thursday, July 17 

Politicians create smog-filled valley and give themselves a raise while homeless people starve

homelesscar exhaust freewayDoes the FVRD board deserve a raise after all they seem to have managed to do is manufacture an air quality crisis?

We have some of the most chronic, irrepressible unemployment and underemployment problems in Western Canada. The Abbotsford Homeless Crisis is receiving national and international attention as BC Hydro moves in to face the biggest group of homeless camps the City has yet seen on Gladys Avenue.

The cities which the FVRD politicians have created and continue to build offer mostly minimum wage jobs, transit which is pointless, and little for people to do after dark.

Because there are very few good jobs in the Valley, a great many residents of the Fraser Valley must drive to jobs in Vancouver. By doing so they have become the biggest reason for the air pollution the FVRD loves to fight with taxpayer funds and all the hot air they can muster.

Do they really deserve a raise?

Tell Abnor know what you think.



Remember to Tell Abnor If you’ve got any news or stories you think he should look into.

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Editor’s Note:Abnor joins us from time to time with a question or two about what he sees around him. He has plenty of time on his hands and he spends a great deal of his time wandering the streets of Abbotsford wondering about what he sees and hears. He’s a modern day hobo with a Blackberry.
Abnor’s Story

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