Early Learning Update; StrongStart #12 approved

The Abbotsford Board received a presentation on October 1st, by Cindy Romanowski, District Principal of Curriculum/Early Learning about the significance of the early years on a child’s development.

Ms. Romanowski reviewed the district’s ‘early learning imperative’ – to have all students meeting expectations in reading by the end of grade 3 – and noted that improving the health, social, emotional and educational outcomes for young children from birth through third grade is of critical importance.

A variety of information snapshots were provided, along with the strategies being undertaken around the district. This included growing the StrongStart program.

The Board also had a presentation from a Strong Start operator, Jodi Leppky of Dormick Park Elementary StrongStart, along with three mothers who had experienced the benefits of the StrongStart program with their children.

Following the presentation, the Board approved an expansion of the StrongStart program already in place at Harry Sayers Elementary, to create the district’s 12th StrongStart Centre.

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