By Elsiewhere. Firefighters and police officers aren’t keen to appear on facebook, and understandably so. Still, you marched up to this very very tall police officer and asked, “So, is there a height restriction for people who wish to join the local police force?”
“Yes, ma’am, there is,” said he. His tone was serious, though not boorish. “At this time, everyone applying to enter the force must be taller than me.”
You looked up. You looked way up. “And how tall are you?”
“Six foot six.”
“Really! I thought you were taller. So, seriously now. Is there a height restriction?”
To your left was a rustling sound. You looked leftward. The other man in blue wasn’t much taller than you. And you is only 5’3″ high.
“I’m just kidding. I can’t keep a straight face,” said Mr. Big & Tall. “There is no height restriction.”
You looked up. You looked left. Asked the shorter officer the same question.
“No. There is no height restriction.”
“So, a person who is only five feet tall could apply?”
“That’s right.”
“I don’t suppose either of you would pose for a photo?”
You knew the answer, of course. And sure enough, it was a no. They don’t want their faces all over the facebook as, sometimes, they go undercover, and don’t want to recognized. Fair enough. Thanks for the chat, though and thank you to the Abbotsford Police. As said to Chief Bob Rich, also present at the event at Lepp Farm Market,
“It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty fine!”
And the best part about the conversation with several police officers, as well as Chief Rich, was conveying to them how much the women (staff and clients) at The Warm Zone appreciate their attitude. The young officers said how great it was to hear some positive comments about their work, as most often, it’s negative because so many people they deal with dislike police. As for Chief Rich, who used to work in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, he noted that “In the Vancouver Downtown Eastside, the police and street-engaged women were on opposite sides. In Abbotsford, they have a much better relationship.”
(Note: the e.d. of Warm Zone said that as a result of their relationship at least two sexual offenders have been caught; one was deported and another imprisoned.)
From Facebook
Elsiewhere, In Abbotsford can be found everyday on her on Facebook page.