It’s  Christmas and I’ve been sitting here being all “holiday cheery”…but I can’t get out of my head a statement made by our Mayor at his Chamber of Commerce luncheon held November 27th. As reported in the Abbotsford News, Mayor Banman told the assembled business leaders that “…Abbotsford is not broke…” in fact “… we will be debt free by 2016…”

Sorry Bruce. I can’t let that go. You, sir, are a liar.

This past summer, the City of Abbotsford did not have $17 million to “give” to the YMCA. All the public forums and presentations by staff included financial statements that included clear evidence that the City did not currently have the funds. Many staff presentations included options on where the City of Abbotsford would get the $17 million to give to the YMCA.

So, in 2 years, Mayor Banman says we are going to pay off nearly $200 million in Plan A debt. We are going to pay back the $43 million taken out of the DCC Fund (Development Cost Charges levied on new home construction to build and upgrade infrastructure like sewers, roads, etc), and we’ll also miraculously catch up on the $30 – $50 million in infrastructure “deferrals” we carry each year.

Tell you what Mr. Mayor. I’ll give you a pass on everything but Plan A.

Congratulations everyone. In 2017 your Property Taxes will be reduced by the 11% initially added on to them because Mayor Banman will have paid off that debt.

What is that Mr. Mayor? That’s not what you meant when you said we’d be debt free?

Then you’re a liar.

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