New Strategic Plan Consultation

From SD#34. After significant effort, initiatives and broad district consultation, the Board has developed a preliminary draft 2014-2018 strategic plan to be launched this fall, upon final revision.
Five pillars comprise the draft plan: Excellence in Teaching, Excellence in Leadership, Flexibility and Access to Programs and Services, Ethical and Innovative Use of Technology, and Parental and
Community Engagement.

Superintendent Godden noted that effective consultation is critical to the implementation of these pillars. He presented a three year, five phase approach which aims to engage staff, parents and community members in an on-going meaningful dialogue to achieve educational objectives and generate relevant data.

Major potential goals that the Board can achieve by engaging in this process are:
1. Ensuring the broader community understands school
district needs and are provided with the opportunity to
inform decisions that affect them;
2. Provide district leadership with insight and data
valuable to current and emerging priorities; and
3. Significantly increase the number of people
meaningfully contributing and learning from one another
across the district, in a fairly tight time frame.

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