The Salvation Army has responded to the story published this morning by Abbotsford Today revealing an email from James Arden, Acting Director, Park Services, for the City of Abbotsford, to City Manager George Murray stating that the Abbotsford Salvation Army was “in agreement” with the City’s plan to dump chicken manure.
In an email response to a request for comment from Abbotsford Today, Lauren Chan, Divisional Director of Communications + Marketing, Public Relations + Development Department for The Salvation Army’s BC Divisional Headquarters said the following:
Vancouver, British Columbia | July 24, 2013 – The Salvation Army does not endorse, support or promote the recent dispersing of chicken manure at a known gathering site for the local homeless community.
The first priority of The Salvation Army is to serve the local community with respect and dignity and meet their needs.
In the wake of this incident, The Salvation Army has taken active steps, and will continue to address, the needs of the homeless in Abbotsford. The Salvation Army’s Centre of Hope has provided assistance in the following ways:
The Salvation Army Centre of Hope is seeking to increase capacity for the emergency shelter while continuing to offer additional opportunities for individuals to access services. Salvation Army staff, inclusive of an outreach team, the Executive Director, the Program Director and Psychiatric Nurse have all been onsite assisting residents in gathering their belongings while offering to provide secure storage in the mean time. In addition, hot meals are available to those in need along with access to showers and laundry services.
The Salvation Army is dedicated to addressing the immediate needs of the community and these individuals as well as the rest of the clients that seek our assistance through our available programs and resources.
The Abbotsford City Manager has taken full responsibility for the recent event and The Salvation Army is committed to working with the City and the local Police Unit to determine the best course of action moving forward to avoid instances like such in the future.
PDF of the Salvation Army Statement
To read the original story and the email in question simply click here“>.
Walter Neufeld Says:
“This stories hemorrhaging revelations are indicators of how badly our City’s elected “representatives” and administration have derailed as a result of their splicing meaningful democratic engagement out of the governance process. And now we’re told that its all been fertilized by systemic lies. Very disappointed. Where are the women and men of integrity? ”
From Facebook:
Bas Stevens Says:
It would appear to me that George Murray is in full damage control. He has told Mayor and Council when to speak to the matter and when not to speak.
I have a question for Mayor Banman and Council – does George Murray report to Mayor and Council or is it the other way around? It would appear as though Henry Braun is the only one with the intestinal fortitude to stand up to Murray and question his instructions.
I think it is now time to get rid of another ”little person” and hire someone who will do a proper job as General Manager of Abbotsford. I am sick and tired of hearing the comment ”we can not divulge whether severance has been paid or not in the cases of the departed staff. The tax payers of Abbotsford HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW how their tax dollars are being spent!
From Submissions