From Meg Coughlan Hernandez: Les Barkman, Bill MacGregor, Bruce Banman and John Smith turn down $15.3 million for small low-barrier home for 20 homeless men. Discussing the homeless at a…
By Vince Dimanno. Here I am writing another column where I’m angry. This one is slightly different though. Usually, I get angry about something and then I let it stew…
Walter Neufeld has done the math behind Mayor Banman’s decision to go against the majority of council and torpedo the smallest low-barrier housing project in the history of the province….
By Mike Archer. “I have directed staff to work on a strategy and (supportive housing) will be one of the scenarios within that strategy …” With that statement, pronounced in…
doesn’t get much better… Walter Neufeld is known for his advocacy work as president of the FVRD Citizens Association and his work against the gravel industry lobby. He also founded…
On February 17, 2014 Abbotsford Mayor and Council voted down the rezoning of 2408 Montvue Ave. for a low barrier housing. Mayor Bruce Banman, Councillor John Smith, Les Barkman, Bill…
From Fred Thiessen, Someone should ask Bill MacGregor “Why did the City Council work in tangent with BC Housing and ACS and the police for 2 years on this specific…
The Mayor, the ADBA and several citizens opposed to the ACS/BC Housing supportive housing proposal have repeatedly claimed that ACS ‘sneaked’ the proposal through without letting the ADBA or anyone…
By Abnor. No matter how they want to dress it up, knowing full well that the $15.3 Million in provincial funding is not coming back, and that the Fraser Health…
By AmbrÖse Bierce. A number of Abbotsford business people have approached me over the last year asking me why the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce and the Abbotsford Downtown Business Association…