Submitted. My name is Darryl Andrews, and I am a Money Shot addict.

My career started with portrait photography; I simply enjoyed it. It quickly expanded to realizing that I had the opportunity to deliver to someone, an iconic image of themselves.

A striking portrait that revealed something so personal that they thought otherwise “hidden to the outside World”, but was exposed within my shot. It propelled me to study, take classes and to continually find new ways to learn and hone my craft.

Lately, I’ve been focusing on Event Photography like Rock Concerts. Concert photography is portrait photography on steroids! It’s highly chaotic.

It’s the marriage of the best of luck and skill. Where else does your photographic subject not give any notice to you? The Artist is instead performing to the thousands of amped up, fist pumping fans, that are screaming at you to get out of the way!

The addiction comes from knowing that the same screaming fan will likely hang my photograph of the concert on their wall like a prized trophy!

I’m hoping readers of Abbotsford Today will feel the same way and I am extremely excited about bringing to you my latest collection of Money Shots.

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