UPDATE: Buying Friends With Taxpayer Money – Patty ReTweets

By July 11, 2014Abnor

By Abnor. A week or 10 days ago there was a meeting with between the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) and Metro Vancouver. The meeting was the set up of a political liaison committee for Metro’s Waste To Energy plan to reduce the garbage it trucks through the Fraser Valley in diesel-spewing semis to a land fill in the interior in favour of converting that waste to energy (WTE) through a state-of-the-art incinertor which contributes a tiny fraction of the pollutants which are contributed by cars and trucks.

The Fraser Valley contingent was led by none other than Patricia Ross and her followers Jason Lum, John Smith, Paul Gipps, Stacey Barker, and Barclay Pithketly. After a catered lunch they got down to business.

According to several sources at the meeting Patricia Ross and Jason Lum were so poor in their articulation the FVRD’s position that John Smith had to speak up.

The FVRD appears so desperate to make the friends can’t by making their loopy, confused and inconsistent case against WTE that they are trying to by Twitter followers with taxpayer dollars through $25 gift certificates.

$25 Starbucks GIVEAWAY! Follow us on Twitter & Facebook, SHARE and RT this posting. WINNER announced July 9!!!


UPDATE: Patricia Ross wants to buy you with your money.

 Retweeted by Patricia Ross

FVRD @FVRD1 · Jul 7

There is still time for you! WIN $25 #Starbucks gift card! Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and #RT/Share this post! pic.twitter.com/dCkvQ8WeCk



Remember to Tell Abnor If you’ve got any news or stories you think he should look into.

If you have any thoughts or ideas for Abnor tell him.


Editor’s Note:Abnor joins us from time to time with a question or two about what he sees around him. He has plenty of time on his hands and he spends a great deal of his time wandering the streets of Abbotsford wondering about what he sees and hears. He’s a modern day hobo with a Blackberry.
Abnor’s Story

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  • Observation says:

    The FVRD gained four new followers as a result of this tax payer funded contest. That equals to $6.25 cents per new twitter follower paid for by you. Remember this and all the other debacles created by Patricia Ross and Sharon Gaetz during election time.

    Think Abbotsford Today needs to do a column on dumb thing politicians spend your money on.

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