Submitted. Everyone was very upbeat and optimistic for the future at the Annual General Meeting of the Valley Huskers Junior Football Association held on January 10th in Chilliwack. The various reports looked back at the many successes of the past season and painted a very colourful and positive picture of the future.
Pictured at right: Keith Currie accepting his Lifetime Membership Award from President Jack Covey
The Treasurer explained that the biggest challenge the board faces this next season is raising the necessary funds that are required to put a competitive team on the field. To that end they ask all their supporters to start putting their scrap metal to one side in anticipation of their annual fundraising metal drive which will take place this spring.
Most of the board members threw their hats in the ring again in hopes of completing the rebuilding task they have embarked on. Jim Sache introduced two new board members Wayne Gilmour and Yolanda Court, who were both elected by acclamation.
President Covey thanked outgoing members Fran Heagy and Susan Newbury for their dedication and hard work over the past years. He took great pleasure in presenting Life Time Achievement Awards to: Jimmy Willix – Equipment Manager; Brenda Currie – Founding Member, Director; Doreen Musson – Founding Member, Director; Dave Hayens – Head Coach, 1999 – 2003; Jim Sache – Founding Member, Past President and Keith Currie – Founding Member and Past President. Jack also thanked all of the sponsors and volunteers for their support this past season and hoped everyone will be back on side for the upcoming season starting with the Metal Drive on April 18th and Spring Camp starting on May 15th.
For more information about the Valley Huskers visit our website.