What Do You Think Of This Video Of Mayor Banman? Is this the kind of thing a mayor or any public servant should be doing?
The Abbotsford News published this promotional video using the City Mayor and representatives from a company which accepts millions of dollars from taxpayers each year despite being unable to turn a profit by attracting enough local citizens to it’s games.
Is it appropriate for a sitting politician and a company that owes its existence to the taxpayers of Abbotsford to be so blatantly promoting the business interests of one local media outlet?
Is it appropriate for a news media company to promote a sitting mayor or a company that relies on taxpayer funds to stay afloat?
For more ‘What Do You Think?’ please look under Pop Voice in the Opinion Section or simply click here.
Walter Neufeld Says: “Truly. Banman has seriously blown his chance at escaping Peary’s discipleship. Wow”
From Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Today-Media/447088788677534?ref=hl
Kal Sidhu Says: That;s lame
Elsie Neufeld Says: “the word hyperbole comes to mind with regard to the abbotsford news. as for the mayor? did he do it on his own time? was he in the film before or after becoming mayor? Was he paid for his time? And really? REALLY? Seriously?!? Speechless.”
From Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Today-Media/447088788677534?ref=hl
Wendy McClelland Says: “So why is he spending time in an ad for a private business? Will he be doing ads for other Abby businesses? How do we get in line? Was he paid for the ad? If so did he do it on his own time? If not he owes the taxpayers a refund for the time he wasn’t working for us. I’m not impressed. We have a LOT of issues in this community that need attention.”
From Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Today-Media/447088788677534?ref=hl