Opinion. Demonstrating a deep and meaningful understanding of the day-to-day lives of Abbotsford’s homeless commnunity, Mayor Banman’s Task Force on Homelessness, when searching for a date for a closed-door meeting to discuss some of the information they’ve gathered over the last few meetings, chose today, July 31,2014, the day of the Gladys Avenue homeless evacuation, for their meeting.
So; at one end of town Abbotsford has a unspeakable act of cruelty being imposed on homeless men and women who have nowhere to go, and, at the other end of town, no doubt with coffee, juice and canapes, John Smith and Patricia Ross are sitting down this afternoon to discuss the plight of the homeless in Abbotsford.
The heads of all of the caregivers and churches which are deciding on what to do about the homeless, who could be down helping the homeless men and women who are being evacuated from Gladys Avenue, are instead meeting to discuss their lives.
Almost feels like an ASDAC meeting when John Smith ran them