No Trespassing … Only For Homeless?

By October 18, 2014Abnor

By Abnor. Sunday morning I wandered by the property Mayor Banman and ‘No-Permit-Paul’ want to re-zone so they can plop down the ACS/BCHousing proposal, which the two of them successfully scuttled last January, right down next to the ‘Mom and Pop’ stores they were so eager to protect.

Guess what I saw?

Just beyond the ‘No Trespassing’ signs I saw a group of dog owners and a trainer having a grand old time training their dogs on a piece of property the City has deemed a property on which no one is allowed to trespass.

Or is it ‘No Homeless Trespassing?’ Maybe it’s ‘No Poor People Trespassing.’ Could it be ‘No Drug Addicts Trespassing?” Or is it ‘No One With Mental illness Trespassing? … No One With Alcohol Dependence Trespassing?”

Where was the by law department or the APD. I’m sure the BC Supreme Court judge will be interested to learn how Abbotsford enforces it bylaws and its ‘No Trespassing’ orders in a selective, biased and prejudiced fashion. The only action the City has ever taken to enforce those ‘No Trespassing’ signs was against homeless men and women during the Homeless Evacuation on July 31st long weekend.


Remember to Tell Abnor If you’ve got any news or stories you think he should look into.

If you have any thoughts or ideas for Abnor tell him.


Editor’s Note:Abnor joins us from time to time with a question or two about what he sees around him. He has plenty of time on his hands and he spends a great deal of his time wandering the streets of Abbotsford wondering about what he sees and hears. He’s a modern day hobo with a Blackberry.
Abnor’s Story

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