School District IT Road Map Update

How the district’s IT Roadmap has better enabled technology use throughout the school district was the subject of a presentation by district Director of IT Shelley Wilcox.

Among other notes, Mrs. Wilcox noted the ‘key goals’ of the Roadmap are: building online communities; enhancing skills and capacity; and accessing digital resources for curriculum studies.

Also, the district is providing more mobile computer labs (rather than static/in a room labs) to support team projects and collaboration inside and outside classrooms.

Emerging trends for technology in K-12 education include:

  • a focus is on creation and collaboration tools
  • use of ‘bring your own device’ (‘BYOD’) to support inquiry based learning
  • the use of technology for assessment. Mrs. Wilcox also referenced the new student information system MyEducation BC, which will take over from BCeSIS in the coming two years.

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